The three of us on
top of a mountain
in Switzerland
We're Tania & Adam, a London based couple travelling Europe in our rusty old campervan named Jitters, a.k.a. Jits.
Travelling tiny has been a shared dream of ours. Motivated by the freedom to choose our backyard & inspired by Adam's mum who travelled in Jits aged 67, we finally took the plunge to make our van life dreams into a reality in Sep 2019. We know van life won't come without its challenges but that kind of the whole point; to learn to live more with less.
Documenting & sharing our travels through film, photography & podcasting is our biggest creative endeavour yet. Our hope is that it will inspire others to follow through with their own dreams.
We are grateful to have you join us on our journey.
Lots of love,
Tania, Adam & Jitters xxx
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